

14 Small Business Expense Categories to Consider

Instead, they support the overall revenue-generating activities of the business. Expenses incurred to sell goods and to operate the business are called indirect expenses (or operating expenses). Extraordinary expenses are costs incurred for large one-time events or transactions outside the firm’s regular business activity. They include laying off employees, selling land, or disposal of a significant asset. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is the cost of acquiring raw materials and turning them into finished products. Leer más…

Refundar Carabineros es urgente

Como Movimiento, repudiamos y condenamos profundamente cualquier tipo de agresión a nuestros y nuestras jóvenes estudiantes de Chile, ya sea por fuerzas de carabineros o por la población civil que, a punta de palos, patadas y golpizas en el suelo, agredieron de forma brutal a menores de edad.